Friday, October 16, 2009

The Spesial Interest : Siung Cliff

The phrase, "No pain before having fun later", it is suitable reply to the Beach describes Siung journey. Known as the beauty of white sands and exotic coral cliffs, this beach is located in the hamlet Duwet, Village Purwodadi, Tepus, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta, exactly 70 Km from the city center and followed for 2 hours. The route to go really - really challenging. In the beginning of Pathuk (sub-districts of Gunung Kidul first encountered) to the beach we had to go through the challenges that must be conquered, including climbs, sharp turns with some derivatives to heat that hit the skin along the path surrounded by limestone hills and fields of crops that requires excellent stamina and good condition of the vehicle is a major capital to reach this place.

Line Yogyakarta - Wonosari which continues to point Wonosari - Baron and Baron - Tepus is the path most easily accessible, the road has been paved smooth and perfect. Another route through Yogyakarta - Imogiri - Gunung Kidul has a more severe challenge because many roads are hollow, while the point Wonogiri - Gunung Kidul too far when taken from the city of Yogyakarta.

Arriving at the Beach Siung, we presented the azure landscape and white sand that is still awake so clean can we treat fatigue after a long journey. The name 'Siung' itself is the name of a place of rocks jutting into the sea and ape-like teeth (cloves Vanara). Has about 45 lines of 250 channels climbing the potential to be made, which is scattered around the beach makes this place was once used as a location in the Asian Climbing Gathering in 2005. Each climbing route created is designed with its own difficulties, presents a great test for the pemanjat.Syarat use only one, do not damage the environment and disrupt the habitat of sea turtles. A warning sign that there is in the camp ground which can also be used for those who simply want to spend the night.

Pondok climber size of the stage pendapa 3 meter x 3 meters, which is used to rest or stay available and can be used as a base came. You just talk to local residents and some bills, you can use it for overnight. In this area there are hundreds of long-tailed monkey that existence is increasingly scarce and local residents also said this place as a long-tailed monkey kingdom

Siung Cliff And Siung Beach

Gunung Kidul is a drought, barren and hot. Not too much wrong, beyond the region also has a line of farmers who did not give up easily, as well as an impressive wilderness. One of them is in Purwodadi Siung Beach, Tepus. If a Uluwatu Bali as beach rock, Jogjakarta have this beach. The climbers in Yogyakarta, beginner or even master's very possible to know and have tested the rock cliffs on the beach, with levels of difficulty vary. When climbing in the afternoon, we will be accompanied by a thundering waves, with the sunlight that began surup. At night, as he opened the tent, if wanted grilled fish dish catches of local fishermen .. you will get. There are currently no electricity in this place, just add a serene song of the climber

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Siung Beach Glance

One of the most beautiful in Gunung Kidul. A fairly remote location makes no specific days-especially-day week in which all grains of sand, waves and the expanse of the sky can be yours completely.

photos from

Tak Putus Asa di Tebing Siung

Recently, activities outdoors in compost PMPA vacuum, with a bump on the reasons for academic activities. To bring back the spirit of outdoor activities. PMPA compost on date 30 January to 1 February 2009 in a climbing cliff South Beach. Under the PMPA compost Command chief, and implementing activities PMPA Training Sie compost, this activity took place in the region south coast chalk cliffs. "Cliff Siung" that's his name, was in the village of Gunung Kidul Regency Ngungap. 

Location can be achieved with a ± 3 hours of Solo with riding a motorcycle. The journey is too long and somewhat tedious, especially when greeted by the raindrops. Through highway Solo - Wono Sari (Gunung Kidul) the slippery road, then up and down, causing the load on the back of it gaining weight. 
Siung cliffs are limestone cliffs bordering the south coast. Cliff climbing teresbut often by nature activist sejawa often used for Gatherings Climbing a Southeast Asia. Siung cliff consists of several blocks namely Block A to Block C of which each block has its own characteristics, there is a rocky wall there are also sharp and smooth walls smooth (like the cheek mbak Dewi Sandra) and the degree of difficulty that is not the same. 
With the level of difficulty is not the intention to discourage a sharp climb and slippery. As a beginner climber, co-compost made climbing on the cliffs Block D, these rock cliffs considered the easiest to climb for novice climbers. After heating, a climber is ready to make the climb, kermantel, figure 8, screw, snap, ranner, harness, and Chalk bag prepared. As jargonnya climber "three rivet one to find" that is always remembered by your friends while doing the climbing. Even from a distance looks like a "lizard" who embraced rock very closely. 
Day of the afternoon, the weather was not dihirauakan by panaspun temen-temen, they are even more "crazy" and the "addiction". Finally, the location moved to block the climbing more difficult, the selected block is Block B, level of difficulty increases when climbers set ranner with 30o slope, with the breath of the panting and legs and trembling hands holding the weight, climbers finally made it through the ranner. By not miss an important moment, because it has successfully passed the challenge of climbing a slope that is not too extreme, climber has sincere intentions and iklas to fly the national flag and the pride of PMPA beloved compost. 
Do not satisfy the extreme climbing, friends continue climbing in Block A, in Block has a smoothly sloped cliffs more extreme than block B, except that in Block A is a climber can comfortably see the sand and the south coast waves. As has become custom, direct climbers preparing tools, and immediately make the climb. At first climber found it difficult to climb and balance melkaukan Karen atebing sloped more than 30o, for thinking and spirit of jargon climbers unfurled the flag of the soul to PMPA compost, climbing is not discouraged and continued climbing. Ranner for ranner passed, so climbers do relaxation hands, feet and hands kept rested for balance, there was already in the top ranner touched by climbers. With a sigh of relief ... KOOMPOOO climber shouted. SSS !!!!. Tersendiripun pride and satisfaction can be achieved by a climber. 
PMPA KOMPOS sebagai Organisasi Pecinta Alam, sebenarnya menyanyangkan tentang kondisi tebing tersebut, disetiap jalur pemanjatan banyak sekali terdapat bekas mata bor untuk memasang hanger, selain itu hanger yang sudah korosi karena erosi masih menempel di tebing. Surely it is so contrary to the code of ethics at all lovers of nature. Also corrosion hanger which was very dangerous for novice climbers who do not know the ins and outs and the characteristics of these cliffs. 
But we as nature lovers compost PMPA has good intentions and do not intend to destroy nature, even destroy nature, we only learn how to love and preserve nature

Climbing activities

Cliff climbing activities Siung begins with departure from GEGAMA Secretariat on December 13, 2008 at 15:00. But, because of the obstacles in the form of additional uncertainty about the person who followed the events, so we could leave at 17:50 with the number of persons 7 persons. Before departure, performed the ceremony in front of where we GEGAMA Secretariat and other GEGAMA members stand in a circle around the flag of our greatness. Siung way to the Beach in Gunung Kidul Regency done using motorized vehicles. That night the weather was very sunny so remove the fear about the condition of the cliff which will be slippery when wet rain. Travel approximately 1 hour 5 minutes stopped for a rest and dinner at the home of one participant who happens to live in the City Wonosari. The journey then continued after the break for 1 hour. Wonosari journey from the City continues to Siung through the village of Beach Karangrejek, and the Village Mulo asphalt road has been good. The more southerly is further away from the City Wonosari, the quiet pavement, fewer street lights, especially when it has reached a fork Mulo to the left, it was just dark and motorcycle headlights for left-right path is the teak forests far from settlements. For about 1 hour drive the team through the streets without light which only aided by light motorcycles. Road conditions which are alternative path to Siung been paved smooth, but need to watch out for flights, derivatives, and the extreme corner especially when travel is at night. At about 21:16 we arrived at the scene, so it can be concluded that the city of Yogyakarta approximately takes about 2 hours and 10 minutes on a motorbike in the evening conditions to get to a location in District Siung Cliff Tepus, Gunung Kidul Regency. Two things beneficial to us that night was a free dinner at one of our members who is the host and when entered into the coastal attractions, we are not being charged fees because we passed the checkpoint at night so as not guarded by officers. 

  Once on shore, we were greeted by waves Siung Beach where sea water conditions when it was high tide. Location cliffs which we will climb in the vicinity of Beach Siung and face to face with the Indian Ocean, so it can be said of rock climbing in this Siung Beach get a free bonus in the form of beach recreation. Because we will stay, then our bikes in daycare Leave a motorcycle. Night Siung crowded beach visit for the night was Saturday night, so many young bands who do camping on the beach. We decided to set up camp about 10 yards from the shoreline below the row of hibiscus trees as a protection in case of rain will occur. Because the night grew darker, as soon as we build dome numbered 2, a large dome to sleep and a small dome to put the tools. After a short break, we immediately went to the dome to conduct briefings for the next day's activities. This briefing includes reading the scenario for the next day's activities are tailored to target the desired activity. The goal is clear, so that the climbing activities can be more focused in the context of fulfilling the target of refreshing activities and deepening of the basic material materials include rock climbing and cleaning leadering line. After the briefing finished at around 22:30 the next scenario is a break. However, because in front of our eyes teradapat beach scene with the pounding of water that is very tempting, so we decided to briefly walk on the beach. There was no light at all only a few flickering lights of fishermen who were fishing so mambuat night was quiet but brings its own peace. Some of our members have tried to put fishing on the beach hoping for a fish that interested, but because of factors keamatiran course none available prey. And finally at 12 the night we get a rest because we realize the core activities is still waiting on the next day so we have to really save energy. 

  Of the existing scenario, we have to get up at 05.00 and 05.00 just one member had been built. The sky was still quite dark and other sights seen in front of the eyes, the sea water had receded to a few hundred feet so it looks a long way from where we set up camp. Soon several other members began to wake up and immediately the three of us to prepare food to be cooked. Because we intend to cook yourself, then the vegetables and spices have been prepared. That morning we cooked a vegetable stir-fry carrots and tempeh dishes accompanied by relatives of salt. The other members began to get up and walk to the beach to breathe the air a little beach. Around six-thirty, 2 of our members decided to leave prior to the climbing location in order to "booking" the cliff and the path will be used as a climbing area. The aim is clear that not preceded by other climbers to take the desired location. Because of this climbing area there is no such licenses to use any bank or line. So climbers can choose which areas will be used to retain berkegiatan with penjat ethical cliff. In this highly recommended to make "booking" the first bank to conduct activities in this Siung Cliff preliminaries avoid other climbers Siung especially when Cliff was visited by many climbers busy considering the popularity of the area in the arena Siung Cliff rock climbing gym. 

  At 07.00 the food was ready so we are still in the camp immediately put our camp for climbing to the area. Need to walk about 200 meters down the beach to get to the rock climbing area to the west from where our camp. This climb in the area looks huge walls of rocky carbonate where many such holes results karstifikasi process is ideally used as climbing aids. Rock climbing in the area, we met with other climbers who had started activities in the surrounding cliffs block D. We headed toward the cliff located directly adjacent to the sea, our friends there had been preparing the necessary equipment for climbing. Kami sarapan terlebih dahulu untuk mengisi energi untuk memanjat dinding-dinding raksasa nan kokoh yang menanti untuk segera dipanjat. 

  After breakfast, according to the scenario that the climbing is done by climbing the 2 systems and artificial climbing sport climbing, so the team is divided into two time later after the lunch break, both teams take turns in rolling to make the climbing system. 08.00-09.00 o'clock we were doing a refresh leadering material on techniques such as climbing techniques and how to include the installation Carabiner runners linked to the rope which had to adjust to the direction of movement / direction of line used. Do not forget before we divided into teams, we are stretching the hand and leg muscles so that later the body was not sore after climbing because the muscles are not stiff anymore. We also do bouldering before climbing as a preparation / training that is not rigid bodies so as not to interfere in the climbing techniques. 

  Appropriate at 09.00 we went into their respective teams. For the sports teams that use their own security is the security of permanent fixed anchors that have been installed on a cliff hanger which will have to install a safety / runner. For sport climbing activities, the path used is the sea horse track. Sea Horses line called because the top of the line have eroded stone shaped waves and sea horses. Cliff on this block has a section which overhangs into the classification where the cliffs slope angle approximately 80 °. There hanger 9 installed on this Sea Horse lines. At the bottom there is a large rock as high as 1.5 meters which can be used as a basis for the start. Based on observation, to this point to areas less extensive belayer and Barada in the high places where there are no feet to the rear there is a lower section and a bit steep, so need to be careful when belaying. For the first climb, runners can be installed only 3 pieces, the walls around the runner into this 3-bit precision is required in climbing techniques because although there are many defects of rock, but if the position of the feet and hands of the less precise will be slightly delayed in this area . Finally, further personnel who continue climbing. In this second session climbers, runners can be installed as many as 3 pieces, in which two mounted on the hanger 3 and 4 are next to be assisted by making security transparent using existing holes on the hanger 4. Members then made the climb to the-three and can put 1 piece of another runner and when he would put the next runner, found that over the hangers rusted bolts so that it is risky when you want to install a safety on the respective hanger so that our members meemutuskan to fall. It was minus one of the cliffs in the area near the coast are experiencing corrosion hanger vulnerability exposed by sea water wave activity. Finally, the third climber scaling down and the two got back to check and if possible will be installed next runner. But failed to climbers as well as the 4 who did not successfully added safety. In the midst of climbing the rain did not wanted to have a compromise. However, because the cliff has a slightly hung configuration, then the path to sport climbing is not exposed to rain so we were not bothered slippery cliff despite the rain. 

  On the other hand artificial team to block D, there again we refresh the artificial climbing system here is more emphasis on the climbing lane making techniques by making their own safety. Refresh finished materials, conducted field orientation cliff first. This field orientation serves to set the cliff sections which will go through and estimate how much the security that might be installed. We brought security here is different from the safety systems that sport only put runners, here we make himself as bringing security hex, stopper, python, Frend, sky hooks, slings, Prusik, and some carabinner. In this artificial climbing, when the climber's position has so far height the climber, climbers began to look for places or holes that can be fitted with safety. On this cliff a bit difficult to get a hole or defect cliff right / appropriate for safety that have been taken. Most security is installed using a Prusik sling and use a hole through the belt. After you install the security, climbers usually ensure safety prior to the stamping / shake from side to side top and bottom with a strong and ensure that safety is safe when burdened. At the end of the first climb was only succeed with the security terpasangnya 4, actually going in pairs to safety, but because 5 has been used all carabinner so climbers decided to stop at the first roof. Furthermore, security is installed pembersihkan using claimdown techniques, safety is cleared from the cliff one by one. After completion of the first, then followed by other members, but suddenly a fairly heavy rain did not want to compromise and finally we decided to stop climbing for a while while waiting for the rain subsided for a configuration that allows the cliff soaking rain that used to rock climb. Seelah rain stopped, we went back but because of artificial climbing wall used tekena wet rain so we moved the original use Disconnect line and then use the Line of Love Take Easy. On this cliff is installed four security using python 2, 1 and 1 Prusik sling. Security at this cliff is not directly in the wash with claimdown but by other members in use for climbing such as sport. 

  Since the day late in the afternoon, we immediately cleaning path because we have to go back to Yogyakarta. For the sports channels was decided to use the technique in claim down the track cleaning system. Cleaning Claimdown is a technique in which maximize the use of feet as the "eyes" to get down the cliff. In using the technique down to claim a good coordination between the climber to belayer for just a little miss communication can be fatal. Because if the safety position with the other one was too far adrift, so when a security is released, the climber should fall without a safety to safety below. Belayer must continue to pay attention when a climber scaling a security release and falls without a safety for when the security has been released, and the climber can slammed against the wall when the belayer is less eager to consider the signal from the climber. Cleaning Exercise continued on the path of the artificial line Disconnect Love track where the technique used is Rigging techniques. In contrast to techniques that do not require Claimdown aid in line clearance, Rigging techniques require equipment such as a Prusik, slings, ropes transport, figure of eight, as well as free kernmantel. In this technique after arriving at the top, climbers have to find a hole through to put this Prusik Prusik which will be used as a mooring for the rapelling down the rope using a figure of eight which uses techniques like belaying techniques, but here climber to belay himself . Prusik placed neatly in the hole through which the rope may be included in the Prusik kernmantel this, and the rope is predicated on the transport near Prusik rope. Removal of the security burden to Rigging is done after a major security release, as well as additional security such as skyhook. Next climber falls with rapelling techniques while removing one by one security in the cliffs. Reached the bottom rope kernmantel slowly withdrawn and then pulled the rope to remove transport Prusik installed in the hole through. 

  The afternoon of the day at around 17:30 we get the equipment to prepare memberesi back to Yogya. Have not seen the red dusk, the plan we wanted to take pictures facing the sunset silhouette, but we realized that the beach is facing the south so the sunset is not so visible. At around 18:00 all the equipment has been transported in the bag. We took a picture-picture while facing the beach to capture a moment in Cliff Siung. Afternoon fatigue erased when he saw the evening seemed to be far above the sea. We immediately headed to daycare immediately move the motor home. The journey continues into the host's house for a short break and to evaluate activities that day. About 1 hour we talked about things that have been obtained on that day and the obstacles encountered that can later be used as learning materials further activities. After the evaluation is complete we immediately pack up and move on to the city of Yogyakarta. That night the sky was overcast but of exhaustion because there is little lost in some sort of shadow hearts to return to Cliff Siung again

Site Guide Siung Climbing Line

The courage to expose cloves cliff known to many people, both communities within and outside the country, the blog I create a blog about cloves english version. Klo understand the language covered, but not in good faith in order to reduce the more famous clove so that the climber has a picture of the climbing lane before coming to Siung Cliff Beach located in Siung, Gunung Kidul in Yogyakarta. 

Pathways and cliff drawings in certain areas called blocks derived from cloves climbing guide published by Pengda FPTI Disparda DIY DIY and compiled by Mr. Robert (cecum Pengda DIY) without adding and subtracting the meaning of the printed book version, if any order language is less precise, due to limited language skills. 

Before I created the blog, I have confirmed to the author that his work would I publish in a blog format, so this blog certainly is not pirated or copy without permission from the author of hard copies. Blog is still in the manufacturing process, so not complete all the climbing lane. Mr. Robert Matur suwun the license. For the 5:13 point made by temen-temen susulkan Java can be uploaded to the right? may also pictures can be sent to the email sleman Trail to upload. 

Hopefully there are benefits for the advancement of rock climbing Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and also for special interest tourism information. Address blognya

Coast Siung, Jogjakarta; Offer Enchantment Coral Cliff

Not only the island of Bali which has lined white sandy beaches, Province IN Yogyakarta also has lined beautiful white sandy beaches along the coast south of Gunung Kidul Regency. One of the white sandy beach proper reference is made as to exactly Siung Beach is located in the hamlet Duwet, Village Purwodadi, Tepus, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta.

Coast with high cliffs and then becomes natural to a favorite beach. Besides its beauty, the beach is backed by a calm atmosphere. Understand it, because it is not the main tourist attractions, such as the Baron, Kukup Sundak or beach, Beach Siung indeed tend to be more quiet.

Location that must be taken during the 2.5 hour trip from Yogyakarta to motor vehicles may also cause at least tourists who come to this area. That is what ultimately inspires the desire to fill a camping weekend with rah-rah there. Imagine having a beautiful beach all alone all night.

Along the way to the beach we were spoiled Siung with landless hill red carpet with bare teak trees due to drought. But actually in the rainy season, this area will look much more green.

This is where the value of Gunung Kidul district, although known as an arid region with a long dry season but does not necessarily make this area without appeal. After traveling for almost two and a half hour down the hill and turn, eventually stretch of white sandy beach in sight.

Once entering the parking area, the visitors will be greeted by cliffs and high rocks. Unlike the other beaches in Yogyakarta, Siung Beach treats not only of white sand and calm sea water. Line of cliffs that surround the coast eligible for conquest.

With a bit of climbing, the view will leave an impression gained its own. In fact there is a place hidden behind the cliffs, with a nice lawn area and a traditional gazebo. Extensive sea cliffs frame became background scenery.

Cliffs charm offered by this Siung Beach finally crowned Siung beach tourism object as a special tourism area rock climbing, symbolically identified with the house called Pondok climbers stage, a special place for the climbers who want to try out her ability here. In addition to the climbers facility, Camp Ground also available for lovers of camping activities.

Siung beach is the place to have fun with nature. But if you're someone who is very fond of splashing and running around chasing the waves on the seashore sand, do not expect much from this beach. Along the edge of the beach is framed by soft, distant white sand but the sea reefs and rocks that are less friendly with the soles of our feet. The solution, do not remove your sandals. But precisely these reefs are securing the Beach Siung from direct brunt of the waves, which may bring the water to desperate fans.

These reefs act as natural breakwater. A friend who also likes to take his family are friends with the impressions of nature expressed this beach "Beach First Siung much more beautiful, when it first opened, the fish seen swimming freely in the sea even from a short distance away. But even so, the beach Siung is interesting and has a strong magnet to pull us back again. "

Seeing far journey into Siung Beach, no doubt many are choosing to camp at this location than to leave and go home in one day. With camping, they also get a lot of extra activities. Starting from seeing the sun set, moon rise, to hunt octopus at night with the help of torches

Known As Siung Coast Special Interest

Yogyakarta-Siung Beach on the south coast region Gunungkidul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY), which now began to develop as a tourist attraction known special interest for the sport of rock climbing.

"Siung Beach was not only offers a beautiful panorama of the beach with gorgeous white sand. However, after opening the event Asian Climbing Gathering 2005, now that the beach area is also known as rock climbing area which attracted many tourists," said Public Relations Regional Tourism Board ( Baparda) DIY, Nurhidayat in Yogyakarta.

According to him, every year about 600 tourists visit the beach area specifically to enjoy the special interest tours rock climbing. Compared to other climbing locations in Indonesia, rock climbing area in the Beach Siung has certain advantages not possessed by other areas.

"In addition to landscape and beautiful natural scenery, rock climbing route on the Beach Siung can contain 250 lines, so that in each event participant can do the same cliff climbing," he said.

He said, special interest tours such as rock climbing is now promoted by many developed countries. ASEAN region itself classified as having potential for special interest tourism market climbing high enough. Thailand, for example, each year 30,000 tourists are able to bring special people climbing contest.

Compared to Phuket area, Thailand is already went international, Siung Beach is still losing a lot but in the next few years of support facilities and infrastructure support to the location that will be addressed.

"Thus, Siung Beach area has advantages not only a beautiful beach panorama, but also as a tourist destination for rock climbing is fun," he said.

He said, Baparda DIY cooperation with the Department of Tourism and Culture has organized Gunungkidul Gatherings Climbing Indonesia in 2008 that lasted Siung Coast 29-30 August 2008.

"The activity was diiikuti of 93 participants coming from various cities in Indonesia such as Solo, Jakarta, Semarang, Bandung, Kalimantan, Palembang, and one participant from the United States and host of Yogyakarta," he said.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cliff Climbing Sensation At Siung Beach

Although Siung Beach is very famous among the climbers as the most beautiful and chalenging place to satisfy their enthusiasm, no one knows when people climb the cliff at first time. Officialy Siung Beach was open to public as a climbing site in the year of 2000. At that time a rock climber from Japan climbed the cliff after getting a recommendation of FPTI ( Federation of Indonesia Climbing activity) Yogyakarta Chapter. At the beginning of 2001, climbers from Yogyakarta began to climb regularly in this beach once every two month. At least 50 Climbers from many climbers club or university student club come to beach to climb the beautiful Cliff.
On September 2005, officially Yogyakarta Special Province proclaimed the site as the Special Interest Tourism site for Climbing by launching The Asian Climbing Gathering 2005. About 250 Climbers from malaysia, Singapore, german, France, Philipine and also from Indonesia as the host joined the national event.

Siung Beach is located in Purwodadi Village Tepus Distric, a remote area Gunung Kidul Regency. It is about 70 kilometer from the center of Yogyakarta city. Although it is not really a long distance, it takes two hours drive for most of the road there are windy and steeply. Public transportation is little bit dificult, for the departures and arrivals time do not have fix time table. It will be easier for someone to get to Siung Beach by private vehicle. Public buses or mini vans leave from wonosari, the capital of the regencyto Tepus District. For one who wants to go Siung Beach, he or she can take this bus and stop at Jepitu Village is the last regular transportation. Going further to Siung beach, one can hire an ojek or motorcycle rider to the beach.